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About Us

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art." “I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

Fashion Fitz will enlighten you on Second Life products or places that interest us. We'll show you the beautiful, ugly, funky, and even the strange! We'll help you travel the grid. Mostly, we hope to make you laugh or smile! Keep checking Fashion Fitz, nevah know what might pop up here! *Sending warm hugs to all our readers!*

Review Policy:

Have a product or a place you'd like us to review? Drop us your item(s) or landmark in-world. We won't give a bad review of items you drop us, but we will be fair and honest. If your item doesn't make our blog (after an appropriate time), feel free to ask us why. Review items or landmarks for travel should be in a folder named REVIEW + your store or SL name. We appreciate your time and effort in complying. Thanks!