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Feel it in your Bonez!

On a mission to win the Super Skinny Skank Model Contest, Fashion Fitz plunges into a radical diet. Subsisting on celery prims and Linden ocean water for weeks, her desired mesh weight is attained. Having lost nearly all of her friends due to her increasingly foul mood, Fashion Fitz contemplates her new look through the eyes of her last fashFriend, Harrd Rhode.

"Biatch, yer bonez are showing."

"You know I LOVE da BONEZ!!! *huff* Besides, I'm gonna be a Super Skinny Skank Model."

"You got the Skinny Skank right. *scowls in disgust* You look, and ACT like Cruella DeVille."

Fitz's eyes piercing Harrd, tummy rumbling, anger and hunger mixed like two twisted demons battling for domination--Harrd suddenly looks awfully tasty. {{{dream sequence}}} (Visions of Harrd rump roast, Fashion Fitz droolz.)

Hairs standing on end on the back of Harrd's neck, Fitz's hollow, hungry eyes burning into his arse, "Say Fitz, don't you know anorexic models are soooo last season?" In a hurried attempt to save his own ass, Harrd flies to Kitchen Korner where he knows Chef Karamel Madison and Chef DavidDM Therian have been cooking and baking 24/7 (it's true, they never stop.). Harrd promises a super skanky sale to lure Fashion Fitz, but quickly teleports her to Kitchen Korner's king-sized kitchen with overflowing banquet tables. (Kitchen Korner has free dining and samples, figures, Harrd always was a cheap bastage.)

Fitz is bonier by the minute (look, her skull is even showing!); she hates cooking anyway, and Harrd would be a tough swallow without hours of marinating and some turning on a spit. Harrd shoves berry pie a la mode in Fitz's hand, a giant cookie--anything to fatten and fill Fitz. She greedily gobbles the delightful dishes like a pack of rescued puppy mill dogs.

Fashion Fitz's gnawing hunger satiated, finally meshed out a fraction, she finds enough energy to dance for fashJoy!

"Hmmm...maybe I'll wait for Semi-Skinny Skank Model's to open, and apply there? Until then, I'll just be satisfied being a fashSkank!"

*Harrd rolls his eyes.*

Fashion Fitz Info:
Skin on the Skinny-*Alesandra* RealSKIN Blossom Makeup
Dancin' Skin-Minnu Model Pale Old Hollywood
Shape-Fitz Skeletal Model and FF /Shift\ Custom Avatars 4 U!
Hair- Gritty Kitty "HelloGoodbye"
Burgundy Hat in Picture #1-Elegance Hats Free Hallow's Eve Hat
Sinistyle "Mr Bones" Stovepipe Hat by Krius Misfit
Skelly Hoody by Krius Misfit
Red Bomber Pleated Skirt
artilleri leopard skirt (leggings only) *red*
*Punch Drunk* Cora Wooly Pirate socks
=DeLa*= Boots "Jeanne" Black Spots
Harrd Rhode Info:
Skin-Nomine 15 Fawn Tan - red stubble
Shape-Harrd by /Shift\ Custom Avatars 4 U!
Hair-Mystikal Flexi Momo Red
BroGear - Death Grip Tee by Broder Kubrick
F*cked Jeans
DMC Hunter Boots
DMC Aztec Black Cuffs
Jana's Classic Men's Cream (tinted red) Turtleneck - freebie

*First photo taken outside of Sinistyle's Main Store, all the rest in and outside of Kitchen Korner.

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great post, although glad to see you back to your normal self!!!

Yes, that is her normal self :)

Is this the living dead girl post?

Nice outfit and great post Loren.

Where can a person find some cookies that are that frickin huge?

Yummy looks like choclate chip..mmmm chips ahoy mate!!

Hey Kert! LOL The "frickin' huge cookie" is the only item NOT from Kitchen Korners! I couldn't resist using it in the post...I'll make sure you get a FRICKIN' huge cookie! ;o)

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